Harris Creek Baptist Church

Through the Lens of Barabbas



SUMMARY We all want to be free. Free from rules, consequences, sin, and even death. Are there any areas of your life that you aren’t free right now? This Easter, we celebrate the true and ultimate freedom we have in Christ and how He sets us free from death. KEY TAKEAWAYS -Freedom from death foretold. -All throughout the Bible there are “Easter Eggs”...hints and clues and shadows foretelling the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. -Freedom from death displayed. -We are the prisoner stuck in a cage and unable to free ourselves. -What cage are you sitting in: pride, anxiety, deceit, sexual immorality, control, fear, materialism, etc.? -We are Barabbas. -Freedom from death forever. -Christianity would not be a thing had Christ not resurrected from the dead, appeared to over 500 people, and then person after person and generation after generation told others who eventually told you. -If you were to die today, on a scale of 1 to 10, how certain are you that you would go to heaven? -If God were to ask you why He shou