Center Point Assembly

Easter - He Rose and Is Alive Forevermore - Audio



Easter Sunday - April 4, 2021 - A day of great celebration for us. What we're going to discover today is that for those that witnessed this event, it didn't seem good for them. It was a disaster and a great travesty to see Jesus hanging on a cross and then laid in a tomb. Even as Jesus tried multiple times to tell them this was all going to happen and he would rise from that tomb and conquer death, they still didn't get it. We shouldn't blame them, it was such a horrific event. In fact, it should cause us to evaluate our lives to see if we're any different in our potential misunderstanding of what this day really stands for. What have we done with Jesus and the Easter message? Think about it... However, the Easter message is good news. Jesus accomplished many things that day for us. We're going to be talking about those in today's message. I pray that you receive Him and celebrate the truth that He rose and is alive forevermore... Be blessed