Rock Candy

Episode 103: The Darkness – Jingle Biz



This week we're lightening up the mood here with the delightfully talented and eccentric UK rock band, The Darkness. Over here in the states we know them as a one hit wonder, but across the pond they are a big time rock band. You may think they are a total joke band, but nothing could be farther from the truth. They spent their lives cultivating their craft so they can bring good times back to rock n' roll. However, their story doesn't come without their fair share of hardships and breakups. The road for this rock band hasn't been easy, and their fast rise to stardom took a big toll that many didn't think they'd come back from. But, somehow, they managed to bring it all back together, and better than ever. Even if most of the rest of the world doesn't realize it. Want to support your favorite beer drinkin’ babes? Check out our Patreon!Listen to all the great podcasts over on the Pantheon Network!