Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats w author John Trigonis on crowdfunding



John T. Trigonis Crowdfuning, author, filmmaker - A behind-the-scenes consulting machine, John T. Trigonis has mentored hundreds of filmmakers worldwide and helped them to create compelling crowdfunding experiences that not only reach, but also exceed their goals. A writer and indie filmmaker himself, Trigonis literally wrote the book on Crowdfunding for Filmmakers after running his own Indiegogo campaign for his short film Cerise and surpassing his goal, setting the bar at an all-new high with regards to how online fundraising for independent films should be done. Cerise has since screened at over a dozen film festivals across the country, was nominated for four awards, won an “Award of Merit,” and participated in the Court Métrage at the 2011 Cannes International Film Festival. Trigons now puts his prowess to the ultimate task as Indiegogo’s specialist for film campaigns, and in the year and a half he's been with Indiegogo, he has coached over 1,000 film campaigns to success, including:Trigonis is curren