Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat talks with team behind Horror Equity Fund, LLC



Horror Equity Fund, LLC leads the industry in genre-specific funding solutions for horror-centric projects including films, ancillary rights exploitation and other horror-related projects. Unlike “pre-sale” or donation-based crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, which solicit donations or contributions in return for a poster, download, or other consideration, Horror Projects presented through HEF offer real ownership and profit participation (an equitable interest) for its Investors. Horror projects include: Transmedia market projects; Feature Films; TV Episodic(s); Graphic Novels; Motion Comics and more. We talk with: CEO Marlon W. Schulman’s an entrepreneurial producer and attorney, his specialty is the creation of diverse profit-driven entertainment products and services through innovatively conceived integration of proven strategies with new technologies. Brian Herskowitz is a veteran Hollywood producer, writer, and director of feature films, TV series and digital series. He is the author of the best-s