Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats w FlyWay Film Festival Director Rick Vaicius



Rick Vaicius is director and founder of Flyway Film Festival, Wisconsin's bluff premier destination for independent film as noted by Emmy award-winning blogger Scott W. Smith “ … a festival that should be on your radar”. Founded in 2008 Vaicius has created a standout, intimate and high-quality annual festival. Over the past four years, Flyway has brought over 80 filmmakers into the local community. In addition to screening remarkable films, it has become a unique venue for filmmakers to network and discuss projects and the "state of the industry" in the film world. Vaicius has already persuaded some top film industry talent to appear. The 7th Annual Flyway Film Festival begins Thursday October 23-26, 2014 in Pepin and Stockholm, Wisconsin. This year promises to be its most exciting to-date.   For festival line up and panels go to and check it out! Stay tuned to Rex Sikes Movie Beat for other great archived interviews, cast and crew listings, events, festivals, premieres, and more at r