Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with Director Bill Rebane



Bill Rebane, Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Author started his assent from the mail room, at age 17, to Floor Manager, Asst. producer and assistant to the Executive producer, providing him the opportunity to partake in countless daily live television productions. His first independent production effort was “Twist Craze,” a ten minute musical theatrical short subject purchased by AIP became an international success theatrically and financially. “Dance Craze” surpassed the success of the earlier one and ultimately was purchased by Crown International Pictures for international release. At age 23, Rebane took the position as Executive in Charge of U.S. co-productions for Studio Bendestorf, Germany. Ultimately the films which found a partial or full home at his Bendestorf Studio facility  “Dollar” (Goldie Hawn/ Scott Brady,) “How I Won the War” (John Lennon) and “The Odessa File” (John Voight. Bill moved to Wisconsin where he established and built the one and only full time feature film studio in the Midwest,