Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats w William Lu Director



WIlliam Lu, director, served as a development assistant for David Madden and Robert Cort at the Cort/Madden Company at Paramount. He received his MFA in film and TV production from FSU where he produced the 35mm thesis film “Two-Bit,” which was a 2003 Student Academy Award finalist. He was Hired at the SyFy Channel and then spent three years at Herzog & Company where he worked in TV, web and marketing producing content for Disney, Paramount, Dreamworks and Sony Pictures. In 2005, as a recipient of the LA Asian Pacific Armed with a Camera Fellowship; he received a grant which funded his short film Spy Moms.  He wrote and directed Asian Task Force, a half-hour mock pilot that was awarded "Best Action Short" at the 2007 LA Digital Video Film Festival and screened at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con. William worked as post production supervisor at Machinima on their Terminator: Salvation web series. Hired on at Maker Studios he produced content for their gaming vertical and created and hosted the show “Retro Hard