Tacoincidence with Scott Porter

The Dragonfly Transformation with Gayle Fuller from Dragonfly Cycling



"There's two choices in life: you can remain or you can evolve."The value of learning customer experience from every company you work for (3:50)Secret #1: Be different (5:20)What was different about Dragonfly spin classes from all the others Gayle had taken (5:31)The reward of leaving a stable, unfulfilling job and going for the opportunity you are passionate about (8:08)Secret #2: Pay attention to the details (9:18)Why Dragonfly doesn't feel like it has any competition (9:38)Secret #3: Create real connection (12:35)How Dragonfly inspires customers to be "the best version of you" (12:46)Secret #4: Human centered experience is greater than bells and whistles (18:15)Why creating a welcoming environment for all walks of life makes such a difference (18:24)Secret #5: Empathy leads to loyalty (19:01)Secret #6: Hire selectively (20:30)What Dragonfly looks for in hiring instructors (20:41)Secret #7: Stay true to your core focus (25:05)Why you need to be crystal clear on what your product really is (25:15)How to be a