Tacoincidence with Scott Porter

Courage Over Comfort with Carine Clark from Banyan



“Treat people the way they want to be treated."Why customer experience has resonated with Carine her whole life (2:55)Secret #1: Differentiate with Customer Experience (7:11)Secret #2: Create a Culture of Care (9:24)Secret #3: Be Kind (11:20)Secret #4: Choose Courage Over Comfort (12:34)Secret #5: Embrace Tech to Improve the Experience (14:24)Secret #6: Customers Pay More for Superior Experience (21:41)Secret #7: Invest in Your Employees (24:15)Secret #8: Hire Empathetic Frontline Employees (25:28)Secret #9: Succeed with Diversity and Customer Experience Programs (26:23)Secret #10: Staple Yourself to the Customer's Bill (27:38)What Banyan has taught Carine about customer experience (35:00)Secret #11: Take Off Your Boss Hat. Be a Student of Your Business (47:51)Secret #12: Create an Environment of Abundance (52:50)Secret #13: Leave People Feeling Good (54:20)Links we mention in this episodeBrasas Mexican GrillBanyanFollow Carine:InstagramLinkedInFollow the Search for the Perfect TacoInstagramYouTubeLinkedInWeb