King Kumars Podcast

How having several medicine procedures taught me adversity



Transcript Background When I was younger, I would not eat a lot, anything I did eat I would throw up, so I had a to get a G-tube at a very young age. Fast Forward a couple years ago, I got diagnosed with EE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis) a allgary influntary disease. This disease required me to get a procedure done where doctors would a camera down my throat to test how my body required different food groups (I.E. Wheat, dairy, etc) What life was on the day of the procedures On a typical day of procedure, I would wake early to go from Naperville to Comers Hospital in Chicago because it's a long drive. After getting comers hospital we would usually park in the Valet parking a lot. After that, we would get to the elevators, and the cool thing about the elevator was it had a voice that would say “going up”. I know that is a weird thing to say but when I was in the elevator it was pretty cool and I wanted to share. Anyway, after going to the elevator of the waiting room, I would make my way into the waiting room. Now