Inspirational Leaders

12: Inspiring Leader Justin Langer – Head Coach, Western Australian Cricket



    This podcast features Justin Langer ( , born and bred in Perth, has travelled all around the world playing, coaching and mentoring cricket.  He has played in over 105 test matches in his time and now works as Head Coach of Western Australian Cricket and the Perth Scorchers Cricket. He puts his great accomplishments and success down to focusing on the process (not the outcome), working hard and having strong male mentors. “The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender” “The toughest times are the best times. You think at the time it’s the worst and it is, but it’s actually about improving and getting better” “You can keep moving forward or you can quit, you can give up or feel sorry for yourself. The question of life comes to you right then. In the toughest of times… What are you going to do? Are you going to keep fighting it, keep moving forward, or keep moving through it to move through the layers of your character, or are you going to give up?” – Justin L