Knights Of Ren

34 - What? Drop Off Got Banned?!?



A Word Of Warning: Adult content and explicit language in this episodeAtomic Mass Games released the new hotness, The Criminal Syndicate on Friday! We also were surprised by an official Banned and Restricted list revealed in tandem with the Syndicate. We sit down with Chris, Todd, Sugi, Kenny, and Menion to unpack everything that was released into the wild. Our team discusses how the banned list affects the meta and some of the more impactful shifts in affiliation list building. Then Todd and his crew discuss some of the fun and exciting tech they are discovering as they grind out games at TAG. We also have NEW articles and Twitch streams you should check out below.Our castmate Sooner5 took Guardians of the Galaxy to a 5-1 record in TTS League Season 3 and we talk to him about how he accomplished this feat! "Taking Guardians To The Top"We stream Sooner5's week 6 game on Twitch. Check out how he pilots GOTG for the win! Sooner5 vs HellcannonTodd pilots Bomb Squad versus Mr. Fantastic's Criminal Syndicate on Tw