Northstar Big Book

Big Book: Carly Lead-Alcoholics Anonymous



I know I have shared my lead in the past, but this one was done in the middle of a pandemic, while sitting in a car, while waiting for my son to finish physically distanced soccer practice in a mask.  AND my mom was the chair of the meeting!  I finished the lead with my cheeks hurting from smiling so much.  I love AA. If you enjoy my podcast, please leave a 5 star rating and share on your social media groups. Please join us on Thursdays for my homegroup, (Northstar Big Book Group. 7 pm EST) ID: 862-3132-5985 Pass: 1279 and follow on FB at (Northstar Big Book Group-Cleveland, Ohio) #bigbook #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #northstarbigbook #thebigbook #bigbookstudy Also, check out my new podcast: (In Your Corner Divorce )(a podcast about coparenting and focusing on the Northstar-the kids). And my memoir: