Reader's Entertainment Radio

Sports, romance, and writing with author Tracy Solheim



Tracy Solheim's creative writing career began in the 4th grade when she published her first book.  It was a bestseller–mainly because her dad bought all ten copies she made on the school’s prehistoric Xerox machine. From there, she moved to writing a monthly column in a local newspaper. A bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee landed her in Washington, DC, writing reports for Congress while pursuing a Master’s degree in Legislative Affairs from The George Washington University. Other than a brief gig with NBC Sports at the (1988) Seoul Olympics, most of her early writing consisted of crafting lengthy government reports, but in May 2013 her dream of becoming a published author came true with the release of her debut novel, GAME ON.  Her latest book, Just for Kicks, is the first of her newest series. Find Tracy at her website, FB, IG, Goodreads, Pinterest, and BookBub.