Diy Video Guy: Make Better Web Videos By Yourself

Hey YouTuber, You're Doing These 9 Things Wrong



#034 - When I browse around YouTube I see a lot of mistakes. Things that YouTubers either should be doing but aren't, or things they are getting completely wrong. And don't worry, when I look at my own channel and videos I get a bunch of these things wrong too, but to be your best, sometimes you have to be your own worst critic. In this episode of the podcast I share nine things that most YouTubers and YouTube channels are doing wrong and how to avoid them yourself.Nothing engaging in the first 15 seconds.Not giving a single call to action.Not putting the proper information in the description below the video.Not making a custom thumbnail.Assuming everyone can click on Annotations.Not properly branding your channel.Having an Inconsistent Release Schedule.They experiment outside their channel's niche too much.Not interacting.Items mentioned in this episode:4 Things All YouTubers Should Know About MobileHow to Use YouTube CardsCaseyNeistat - YouTubeMr Ben Brown - YouTubeSony RX100 Mark IV Unboxing VideoJuly 16,