Diy Video Guy: Make Better Web Videos By Yourself

8 Reasons Your Videos Aren't Being Watched



#039 - More views. That's what you want, right? More people watching the videos you spent all that time to prepare, record, edit, and publish. In this podcast episode we discuss why your videos aren't being watched at all or why people quit watching them part way through. Whether it has to do with how the video was made, that they aren't engaging, or how they're being promoted, this episode will give you eight tips to make sure your audience keeps showing up to watch your videos, clicks play, and sticks around for the entire thing.Your Visual quality is terrible.Your Audio is terrible.Your bumper is too long.Your video is too long.You're not using your hosting platform correctly.You're on the wrong platform for your niche audience..You have no consistency and people forget about you.Your videos are boring and too predictable.August 27, 2015 27, 2015