Diy Video Guy: Make Better Web Videos By Yourself

Gear Doesn't Matter



#058 - When people email and ask me questions about video, whether they're asking about ones I've made or they're trying to make videos themselves, without a doubt the majority of the questions I get revolve around gear and equipment. "What camera did you use?" "What lens is that?" "What software do you edit in?" I always answer their question, because I can geek out about gear as much as the next person, but part of me wants to answer with, "Gear doesn't matter. Gear doesn't make videos go viral. Gear only keeps you from making more videos." In this episode of the podcast I challenge you to make videos with what you have and think about whether gear really matters or not.Items mentioned in this episode:Free Email Course: Video Gear for Any Budget — DIY Video GuyEvolution of Dance - YouTubeThe Sneezing Baby Panda - YouTubeCharlie bit my finger - again ! - YouTubeDavid After Dentist - YouTubeCanon C300 Mark II Hands-on Feature Test + Footage - YouTubeWill It Fly by Pat Flynn (Book Teaser Trailer) - YouTubeJanu