Diy Video Guy: Make Better Web Videos By Yourself

From Vimeo Staff Pick to Full-Time Filmmaker — What it actually takes with Levi Allen



#072 - Levi Allen is an adventure filmmaker. In this episode we talk about how his short film Untethered got a Vimeo staff pick, which lead to the film being distributed internationally, but then how he fought back for the rights to have it free and public again.We also talk about how to build up a client business from scratch and why your personality is an important reason why people subscribe to your YouTube channel.In this episode we talked about:01:07 - Introduction02:01 - Untethered getting a Vimeo Staff Pick13:46 - After Untethered’s success & tempering expectations17:55 - Distribution & owning your work25:43 - Why were are bad YouTubers29:39 - Letting your personality show33:25 - Titling & thumbnail tips for Youtube38:26 - Being open with other creators44:16 - Landing your first clients