Diy Video Guy: Make Better Web Videos By Yourself

How a Workaholic Ends Up Taking a Year Off (ft. Sean McCabe)



#81 - Running a business is hard. You work long hours, you have the livelihood of your employees resting on your shoulders, and you want to do ALL the ideas that are in your head.But sometimes, as successful as you might feel financially or look to others online you burn out. You hit a wall. Your business runs out of money. You need to re-think everything and make the hard decisions.In this podcast episode I chat with Sean McCabe, who has built multiple businesses through client services, creating physical products, growing a membership community, and selling online courses.Throughout this episode we discuss starting how to grow a physical or digital product business, what to do when you feel stuck, why you need to be making content online, how to pre-sell a new product, avoiding scarcity mindset, and why Sean is taking a full year sabbatical.Show NotesSean's interview of me on his podcastRescue TimePresale Profits | seanwes256: How to Defeat Scarcity Mindset | seanwes podcastseanwes - Business Community for