Joyful Doctor

COVID-19 - 1 year on - Project Wingman - CAPT Emma Henderson MBE



In this episode, Caroline chats with Capt Emma Henderson - a pilot who founded the wonderful Project Wingman charity to support NHS staff wellbeing during the pandemic.  Over 90 Project Wingman lounges have sprung up in hospitals across the UK in the past year - providing a non-judgemental space for all NHS staff to land, during and after their hospital shifts. Caroline and Emma reflect on how the COVID-19 pandemic has turned life upside down both personally and professionally for so many, and how helpful grounded aircrew can be to the modern NHS workforce.Show notesTop tips:  If you are struggling to stay afloat, reach out and hook your anchor onto someone strong.You don’t have to be miserable all the time in order to get help. It’s ok to say “I’m not coping, but in ten minutes I’m going to be fine.  I just need a little help right now.”Give yourself permission to look after yourself. Follow Project Wingman here:Website: https://ww