Rolling Hills Community Church Sermon Series

Week 8 | The Impact of Forgiveness



It’s easy to identify with Joseph. Through every twist and turn in his journey, we’re always rooting for him to prevail. We cheer for him just as we would the protagonist of any great tale. But as we get closer to the end of Joseph’s story, a new hero begins to take shape. And it’s not who you’d expect. Because this hero doesn’t play a huge role. He’s not even mentioned by name. But as the journey of Joseph unfolds it becomes more and more clear that the hero of this story isn’t Joseph at all, but Jesus. Joseph’s role as the bearer of forgiveness in the lives of his brothers shares a striking resemblance to the relationship we have with Jesus. And pretty soon we realize that we identify more with Joseph’s brothers than with Joseph himself. Because just like his brothers, we’re the ones who have sinned and we’re the ones who are in desperate need of forgiveness.