Lifelong Learning

How Incorporating Patient Videos Can Positively Impact Medical Education



Host: Alicia A. Sutton Guest: Ilana Hardesty, BA Guest: Julie White, BA, MS, CHCP At the 2018 Alliance for Continuing Education in Healthcare Professions meeting, host Alicia Sutton spoke with Ilana Hardesty BA, and Julie White, BA, MS, CHCP from Boston University School of Medicine CME Office on trigger videos to model effective communication strategies. Ms. White explais trigger videos as: " offiicial description from Academic Medicine. A trigger film is a short scene depicting a typical clinical situation with a patient or fellow colleague. These films trigger discussions of the issues and circumstances raised in the films. Basically, in layman's terms, a trigger video is really designed to elicit emotion, kind of get the audience primed for discussion." Tune in to see a real trigger video and learn how to effectively develop a patient-centered scenario to illustrate a communication message.​