Harris Creek Baptist Church

Through the Lens of Mary Magdalene



SUMMARY Have you ever loved someone so much that you always wanted to be with them? What about when hard times came...did your actions match your desire? As we continue our series, Cross Examined, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches us about being a resilient disciple by examining the life Mary Magdalene. KEY TAKEAWAYS -There are two goals with Cross Examined: Focus on the cross of Jesus and learn about Him by examining the lives of people who spent time with Jesus. -A resilient disciple follows Jesus anywhere. -Is your life about the magnification of yourself or of Jesus? -Mary didn’t let anything get in the way of her pursuit of Jesus. What are you prone to prioritize ahead of Jesus? -A resilient disciple sits with Jesus in the unanswered questions. -Life in a fallen world is filled with hard things. When you experience hardship, what do you run to? Things of this world or Jesus? -The Christian life is filled with an “already but not yet” tension. We are already saved by our faith in Jesus, but we are not yet home unt