Vidya By Pia & Bart




In this episode, we discuss the value we can get from trying things out in our lives: Experimentation with different supplements, tools and techniques on our own bodies and minds, and then the qualitative and quantitative measurement of the impact, also sometimes referred to as biohacking. We give a range of examples from our own lives, things we have tried and tested and that have become routines and/or habits for us. We discuss for example the benefits to the body and the mind of consuming omega-3, (home-) fermented foods, medicinal mushrooms and nootropics, and the benefits of consuming less animal protein and/or carbs/sugar. We discuss the why, what, how and when of daytime napping, (intermittent) fasting, breathwork, cryotherapy/cold exposure, sensory deprivation (flotation), forest bathing and biometric testing. We suggest you google and try some stuff out.