Primary Care Today

Surviving a Stroke at 35: A Patient's Journey Through Illness & Rehabilitation



Host: Brian P. McDonough, MD, FAAFP At the age of 35, Jessica Cross was pursuing a rewarding career and raising a family with her loving husband when she was dealt a crippling blow: suffering a stroke that left her paralyzed on the right side of her body and hospitalized for months. Two years later, still in rehabilitation, Cross began punching at a keyboard to restore function in her arm and hand. Having little interest in typing mindlessly, this daily rehab exercise soon grew into writing what would become the book, Crossed Lines: What Lies Buried Within the Heart. Host Dr. Brian McDonough sits down with Jessica Cross to talk about her journey through enduring this stroke, her recovery and rehab, and subsequent activism around education and wellness for stroke survivors. Jessica Cross is an author, speaker, and Executive Director of Strong Cross Foundation.