Mosaic Boston

Dealing with Beef (Part II)



There’s this great passage in the book of Ecclesiastes where King Solomon talks about the many benefits of deep friendship and authentic community. He says: “though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” His point is that we’ll all face hardships in life, but they’re much easier to overcome with good friends by your side. We are exponentially stronger together. We see the strength of this unity in the book of Acts. Their hearts are as one. Does conflict arise? Of course! However, by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, they deal with the conflict head on, with love, peace, and grace. Today, we’re continuing to look at Acts 6:1-7, and my prayer is for us to learn to deal with conflict well. Obviously, the big idea isn’t to just deal with the conflict and move on. The point is to love deeper and to grow tighter with the people God has sent into our lives, so we become like a “threefold [maybe even more!] cord not quickly broke