Rising Church

What is our Anchor?



We are living in historic times. None of us have ever faced anything quite like this before. Maybe we aren't sure how to respond? In the midst of this chaos and uncertainty, is it possible for us to have peace? Jesus made us this promise in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Jesus is clear, in this world we will have trouble, "thlipsis", this Greek word that literally means "pressure; being constrained, hemmed in, restricted without options". We live in a fallen, broken world. Tribulation and trials are inevitable. In this world, you just plain have trouble. If we are going to have peace in the midst of that trouble, we have to remember God's promises. Jesus promises us that in him, we can have peace. Peace is definitely a possible outcome for us. Times like this will test the quality of the anchors that we have each anchored our hope, our faith, our lives in. When you r