Rising Church

I am the Resurrection



I hope you were all able to celebrate the true power and hope we have because of Resurrection Sunday this past weekend. The reality is Jesus is with us in this current storm. When Jesus sees us, when Jesus sees our condition, our struggle, our brokenness, Jesus weeps. As we talked about this past Sunday, Jesus just plain ugly cries. His heart breaks. Jesus knows exactly what it will take to bring us peace, God's peace, a peace which surpasses all ability to understand. Jesus knows this peace will protect us. Jesus knows this peace will keep guard over our hearts and minds. Jesus knows this peace will act as a shield around us so that we do not need to fear. Jesus knows that he is the source of this peace. Without Jesus, there is no peace. Jesus desperately wants us to have his peace, and this is why when Jesus ugly cries over us and our condition, he says, "if you, only you, knew what would bring you peace". Ultimately Jesus laid down his life so that we could have his peace. As Isaiah's 700-year