Backyards of Key West Podcast with Mark Baratto

Lost Boy Creations - Apparel For The Wanderlust



In this episode, Mark Baratto sits down with Lost Boy creator and leader himself (no not Rufio) Matthew Atkinson. We learn how Matt made his way to St. John, how he became a shaper of wooden boats and boards, how he made his way to Key West, and how the origin of Lost Boy Creations came about. More on Lost Boy Creations Live like a Lost Boy Lost Boy:{lost boi} noun purveyor of dreams follower of the heart wanderer (see also: mermaid, unicorn, pirate) We count ourselves among a hand full of brave, wild, and fun-loving explorers who followed their wandering souls to the land of sand and sun. We strive to bring a sense of youth, style and paradise to all through our “adventure” woodworking, apparel and wanderlust lifestyle. A Lost Boy knows what it means to truly live. A Lost Boy follows his or her passion. Lost Boys do not fall into one religion, gender, race, orientation, or title. We roam until we find our path. To conform is not in our DNA. Our passions are our professions. The lifestyle of a Lost Boy is