Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to Build Wealth as a Mom: Natali Morris: 96



Have you ever thought, how do I grow the money I actually have? Get ready to have your mind blown and be prepared to think outside of the box. Former News Anchor Natali Morris joins us today on the Mom Inspired Show and let me tell you, this woman knows her stuff. She decided to stay home after her second child was born even though she was struggling to go back full time to being a News Anchor.  She shares with us how moms that work full time outside of the home can possibly figure out how to quit their job and what steps that you would need to do to figure this out. One of things that I loved hearing was that she said if she wasn't going to be bringing home a regular paycheck, then she was going to get good at personal finance and make that her job.  One story that stood out to me loud and clear was that she was saying that a lot of moms are resigned to the administrator tasks in regards to money. But she wants to challenge you to learn how to expand your wealth not just budget what you have. She encourages