Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Mic Switch! Following Your Passion: Amber Sandberg: 115



Do you feel like God has given you a passion and you feel too scared to take the first step? I know how you feel! In 2016 I took that step to launch the Mom Inspired Show podcast and now in 2018 I took the step to become a travel agent and I can't wait to share with you how it all came together in what I feel was God's timing. On today's show, my dear friend Jenny Stemmerman interviewed me on my journey of starting the podcast and becoming a travel agent.  I walk you through why I decided to start a podcast especially for moms and why I decided to become a travel agent with H & K Luxury Travel.  If you are new to the show or have been listening since the beginning, you will find out more about me and you will get to see behind the scenes of my life and how I got to where I am today. Hear what I have to say on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode, then you will probably like my episode where I talk about perfectionism and how it can get in the way of your goals! Click here to listen: