Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Creating mindful spaces that give you life: Kennesha Buycks: 133



Do you ever wish you could make your home a mindful space that you could really embrace? Today we have Kennesha Buycks, the design and lifestyle blogger behind Restoration House on the show today.  Kennesha shares with us her journey from being an early blogger where she used that platform to sell her furniture to launching her new book which is all about helping families make their home a home that works for them.  She also shares with us some of the challenges that she experienced with her journey and how she overcame it.  I asked her what are some of the common questions that she gets from clients when it comes to decorating their homes. One story that really stood out to me is when she opened up about her mom passing away and what grief looked like not only for her but her dreams and passions.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode,  make sure to check out the episode with Alli Worthington where she talks about creating the life you were meant to liv