Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to organize your kids stuff series: Papers: Lisa Woodruff: 143



Do you ever feel like papers just take over your whole house? Today we have professional organizer, Lisa Woodruff back on the show for part 4 of the 4-part series where we will be talking about papers. Lisa shares with us that its a good idea for kids to have one place where they put their backpack and their school papers that need to be returned to school.  She also talks to us about what we could be doing in the summer to help us pair down papers from the previous school year as well as what to do with certificates and art projects. Lisa also explains where she puts her papers that she needs to address for the week as well as keeping things looking tidy. One topic that really stood out to me is that as Americans we really need to hold on to certain papers over other countries and that truly caught my attention. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode, make sure to check out part 1 of this series where we talk about kids bedrooms!