Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why are kids losing respect for their parents? : Ginger Hubbard : 148



Do you feel like kids are losing respect for their parents these days? Have you ever thought that parents are losing control of their kids? Ginger shares with us that in her book she talks about why asking kids "why are you acting like that" in regards to misbehaving or being rude is not the best question to be asking.  She highly encourages us to use the Bible as the manual for parenting and how her book addresses a different verbal offense in each chapter.  One thing that stood out to me is her advice on ineffective discipline that parents should avoid? Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. Resources mentioned in the show: Lean 7 week online weight loss program: I had the pleasure of doing a four-part series with Registered Dietitian Amanda Nighbert. On this first episode of the series you’ll  find out: What intermittent fasting is and how it works How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and keep it off Nutritional myths that could be keeping you from losing weight How