Generation Jones Too Young To Be Old

Episode 45 From Muck to Magic with Wendi Knox - Author Artist Uplifter



Wendi Knox is an author, artist and uplifter - she inspires others to rise up out of the muck and find the light.   I have never met someone that I had so much in common with...Wendi with an "I", a fellow Pisces, a past Creative Director, and a career in Advertising, and a pet named Blossom. This is a 15 minute story view from a very open 1.5 hour conversation  - I do hope you enjoy the "view".   Wendi Knox writes, "My soul longed for something more. Unexpectedly, I was forced to find it when I lost my big fat job at 50. Sobbing in my backyard, I asked The Universe, “Am I too old to reinvent myself? Please give me a sign.” I went for a walk and came home to find my yard filled with hundreds of red dragonflies. I learned that dragonflies spend most of their lives crawling at the bottom of a pond. And in the muck, they grow their magical wings. Their story helped transform mine. And inspired me to rise up and find the gifts in my struggles — from losing my job to almost losing my child to addiction." From Muck