Wilde About Wellbeing

Want More Abundance? Live a Life of Karma



Ayni… Ubuntu… Karma… They’re all more or less the same thing, with the same route: The Law of Reciprocity.   Whatever joy / help / love I give to others, I will receive gifts that I need (not always what I WANT, ha!) in return.   Everything is connected by ENERGY - I am connected to you, and we are all connected to the world’s community, the Earth herself, and all the dimensions beyond this one…   It is a privilege that we get to support each other, and ourselves through the law of reciprocity. Individual acts of giving literally change the world’s energy, in a butterfly effect.   Karma is a beautiful thing - and should be a way of life for all of us.   I talk more about this in the podcast episode today because it’s really important in my own life. Every action that I perform in this world can be one that embraces the concept of ayni. I choose to live a lifestyle of generosity to result in a life of reciprocal abundance. ⠀⁠⠀⁠   Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts