Wilde About Wellbeing

The Answer To Getting Stuff Done, Avoiding Procrastination, and Silencing Fear? Confrontation



⁣My reptilian brain isn’t my best friend.  It’s not yours either.  Unless you’re being chased by a leopard, in which case it’s gonna save your life.  The most primal part of the brain is designed for 4 vital functions… feeding, fleeing, fighting, and… reproduction!  It has always been vital to our survival (it’s also fundamental for things like breathing and heart rate), BUT…⠀ ⠀ The reptilian brain is not as useful in everyday situations as it was thousands of years ago. ⠀ ⠀ Just imagine: you’re a scantily clad early human. ⠀ You’re part of a tribe, made up of multiple ‘families’.⠀ In terms of protection, you have rudimentary weapons - and, most importantly, the protection of your fellow tribe members.⠀ ⠀ The primal brain would ensure that you emerged unscathed from hunting for food. ⠀ It would ensure that you remained part of your tribe (since separation from them could spell death). ⠀ ⠀ It was essentially a DEATH warrant, if the primal brain didn’t kick in when it needed to. ⠀ ⠀ But now, what’s your wild bo