Movies N Sh*t

Episode 37: We’re 2 years old and may or may not be too old for this sh*t



On the Movies N Shit 2-year anniversary episode, the boys discuss how cannibalism is problematic and highlight some listener feedback before engaging in a lengthy discussion about Movies We’ve Seen (11:16) since last time. TV Talk includes a fun new show about aliens (52:06); Entertainment News (1:03:22) includes notable losses, new trailers, and the impact of COVID on production and distribution.  Enjoy a brief Golden Globes preview (1:27:39) before the latest Guess That Rotten Tomato Score, Alien Edition (1:45:33).  Then, as always, we wrap up with Hidden Gems (2:02:00) to get you through those cold, lonely nights.  Special shout-out this week to our newest listener, Ted Hackmann.  You really are our newest listener, and we can’t wait to have you on the pod when we record our Dances with Wolves commentary.