Now We're Talkin' With Doug Pagitt

Common Good Faith - February 3



*** Remember to subscribe to the Vote Common Good Podcast! ***Every Wednesday on Common Good Faith, our panel of hosts will take a deep dive into Christian faith in America and the ways racism and colonialism have left an ugly legacy that needs to be dismantled if we are to move forward in the way of Jesus.Dominique DuBois Gilliard is the Director of Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation for the Evangelical Covenant Church. He is the author of Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores, which won a 2018 Book of the Year Award for InterVarsity Press and was named Outreach Magazine’s 2019 Social Issues Resource of the Year. Gilliard also serves as an adjunct professor at North Park Theological Seminary and serves on the board of directors for the Christian Community Development Association. In 2015, the Huffington Post named him one of the “Black Christian Leaders Changing the World.” Gilliard’s forthcoming book, Subversive Witness: Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege will be released o