Yogi Misfit Sessions

157 | Yoga Teachers Should Thrive| Feat. Celest



Knowing that I’ve found my passion and what I believe to be my dharma has been a gift; however, I know for a fact that I wouldn’t have made it this far without the guidance of my mentors. I’ve studied myself long enough to know that I can only get so far on my own. When I want to go further, I call on the support and insight from those who have walked the path before me. I not only call on my mentors, but I also call on those loved ones who will call me out on my shit and help keep me honest. I can happily say, “I LOVE WHAT I DO” every single day of my life -- even when it’s hard! This is my dharma and it is purposeful.Celest Pereira feels the same. I don’t know if she knows this or not, but she was a mentor to me before we ever spoke. Watching her be her authentic self has given me permission to do the same. She’s no stranger to the yoga show, and we’re both super passionate about helping our fellow yoga teachers turn their passion or niche into a decent living. She has this way of being inspiring even when