Ajahn Anan Podcast

Magha Puja 2021



A talk on the occasion of Magha Puja (February 26, 2021) by Venerable Ajahn Anan Akincano. "Whether lying down or sitting in a quiet place, one must put down all sense stimulation. Be determined to train one's mind, to make one's mind peaceful, and to be concentrated in samadhi. Make the mind greater than the ordinary level that already possesses goodness, such as giving alms and keeping the moral precepts. But the thinking still doesn't stop, so we then train the mind to be concentrated in samadhi. Then we will see the enormous value of the teachings of the Lord Buddha. This is the principle of Dhamma practice and of developing the mind (bhavana). However you practice, may you all, the monks and laity, see the Dhamma in this life."