Harris Creek Baptist Church

Finding Contentment



SUMMARY Do you struggle with discontentment? Or better asked, where do you struggle with discontentment? Where in life are you most often discontent? As we continue studying the book of Philippians, JP teaches us the secret of contentment found in Philippians 4:10-13. KEY TAKEAWAYS -What we need for contentment is available for us at all times. -Contentment is not found in others. -We don’t use people and love stuff, we use stuff and love people. -When you give someone the control of your emotions you have made them your god. -People will let you down consistently until Jesus returns. -Who controls your contentment? What should you do about it? -Contentment is not found in circumstances. -When you make circumstances your god you will be let down time and time again. -God rarely changes our circumstances, rather, He changes us in our circumstances. -What is God teaching you in the midst of circumstances you want to change? -Christians are called to bloom where they are planted (regardless of the circumstance