Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

72: Laying Down the IDOL of Food. Is the World Promoting Your Overindulgence?



Do you get stumbled by images of food in your feed? Do you know that the world’s goal with food is to promote overindulgence? If so, then you are like the rest of us who need help laying down the idol of food. As an example, how many times did you take a turn into the drive through or walk into your favorite donut shop because you saw an ad, or commercial? Or maybe someone posted your favorite food on social media and it triggered you to buy it and overindulge? Eventually, feelings of shame, guilt, jealousy and even comparison come out of that because you hide it due to shame and embarrassment (That’s me!!). As a Christian, how do you begin to break through such a warfare? That’s what we talk about in this episode. And for you note takers grab your notebook as I share lots of bible verses to help you when it comes to laying down the idol of food and HOW to overcome food overindulgence. (Hint: I DO NOT share a system, formula, prescription, or blueprint to counteract overindulgence. Why? Because it is God’s pi