Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

77: Chasing Society’s Ever Changing Vision of PERFECTION. Cultural Perception of Beauty is a LIE.



Have you realized how many times the definition and vision of beauty has changed because of society and the world constantly changing it? Big chest one decade. Flat chest, long legs, lean legs, big hips, small waist, svelte, curvy, hourglass figure, athletic physique, broad shoulders, thigh gap the next decade…! You can stop chasing after your body goals. If you are trying to keep up with the times you’ll just get disappointed. But if you look at the Creator of beauty He established it ONCE and has kept it the same ever since! In today’s episode, I walk you through how to get over the cultural perception of beauty by repositioning and reframing your heart and mind to face towards God’s definition of beauty. After all, He IS the One who created beauty in the first place ♥️. Tune in now if you want to know the TRUE, ultimate, and everlasting definition of beauty as set out and determined by God Himself. HEADS UP: This is NOT the ever changing perception and vision that you typically hear from society and the cu