Ub Centered

Farnoosh Brock A Green Juicing Intensive Clinic



Join us and listen to Farnoosh Brock share her epic on how she left something that she no longer had a desire to do and claimed, manifested and is living her passion. Farnooh Brock States that On April 15th, 2011, this-electrical-engineer-multiple-certified-tech-professional did something crazy because, you see, something not-so-funny had been happening on the way to top of that delusional Corporate ladder and it was time to take my life and mycareer BACK into my hands. So, I resigned from an 11+ year career and walked away from a 6-figure easy work-from-home income. I was done. Finished. The point of no return had long since been reached. Join us to find out why and how did she start her business “Prolific Living, Smart habits for rich living”http://www.prolificliving.com/blog/