Ub Centered

Katharine Clark,Talks About Raw Lifestyle & Sexuality.



 Katharine Clark, RN, CMT, is founder and CEO of HealthWorks, Inc. HealthWorks is an educational organization that trains people to regain and maintain their health through simple, affordable, natural methods.  Early on, as a farm girl in rural southern Indiana, she had a gift for natural healing, spiritual practices, and longevity. Katharine is an inspired leader who recognizes the real value of good health and well being.  In addition to her work with Hippocrates Institute in Palm Beach, Florida Katharine has worked with the co-founder of Hippocrates, Viktoras Kulvinskas for over 30 years.   For 6 years, she partnered with David Wolfe, the renowned Raw Foods advocate and award winning author and authority on foods that heal. Katharine will assist you in finding those nutritional support systems and products that are particularly suited for your special needs and present state of health.http://www.kclark.biz/http://www.livingrawsuperfoods.comhttp://www.waiora.com/