David Christopher Lewis

Living Our Truth in an Age of Deception



How do we wake up from our unreal 3D matrix? The media today seldom tells us the truth. More often they are a tool for control. Popular movies like The Matrix, Inception and Transcendence reflect an age of deception where 'transhumanism' is emerging as our genetics, bio-, nano-, and info-technologies are merging into a 'posthuman' vision of reality. What is the Truth of our Being? People who return from NDEs tell a different story of their reality beyond 3D. Discover how to access the Truth of your Divine Reality as David reveals the only way to know the Truth and be free to live it. Witness a HeartStream as David, a gifted clairaudient, is overshined by an Elohim whose Light represents the All Seeing Eye of God to deliver a timely message of Truth and Divine Vision for the new era.