David Christopher Lewis

Taking Astrology to New Levels of Spiritual Influence with Kevin Raphael Fitch



Astrology is about much more than horoscopes, love, health, and money. It is an important piece of the toolkit of a spiritual aspirant. Raphael guides us to feel the reality behind the word astrology and moves us beyond its mundane use to be a spiritual and very practical resource in our lives. He discusses constructive ways to use Mercury retrograde to gain greater access to our own Buddhic awareness; and he reveals how astrology can inform us about what's going on right now in our global geopolitics. He explains why some who study astrology "miss the Sun by focusing on the finger which points to it." And he shares how to access the real energies behind the word 'astrology'. He explains how anyone can use their own celestial potentials to vitalize their natural relationship to the cosmos and its esoteric influences, whether or not they know their own horoscopes.