4 Ur Success Show

4 Ur Success with Bill Jenkins - How the Number 15 Can Affect Your Success



My name is Bill Jenkins and I'm a pastor, conference speaker, life coach, and author of several books. I just finished a new book entitled "fifteen " which gives the number 15 in the Bible a prophetic voice to release a vision for sucess in 2015. Fifteen is mentioned 42 times in the Bible and each time it's mentioned it revolves around 5 main themes that give us an outline for sucess in the coming year. It's a 150 page book that was written and published in a matter of a few days and is available via paperback through Amazon or ebook on Kindle . It will also be in Barnes & Noble bookstores soon . I want to help people establish a good foundation based on biblical principals from the number 15  so they can have their best year in 2015. Fifteen is interestingly connected to sports , entertainment and even the President and politics. http://www.churchofacts.org